Renewable energy sources

The Polish renewable energy sector (RES) has been growing dynamically in recent years. Although the national energy industry continues to be based on fossil fuels, the growing social awareness concerning environmental protection and the public authorities’ focus on building an innovative economy result in the continuous growth of clean energy’s share in the overall Polish energy mix. Moreover, as part of the European Green Deal the EU has set itself an ambitious yet binding goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Member States, including Poland, have committed under the EU Fit for 55 package to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. One of the crucial repercussions of such challenging climate goals will be the increase in prices of CO2 emission allowances. This means that in the coming years we are going to face a change in the approach to energy transition in Poland, and thus the decarbonization policy and investments in RES will gain even more momentum.

The lawyers at GFP Legal specialize in investments in renewable energy facilities. We realize that the construction of a largescale wind or solar farm or a hydro plant is not an easy task and that administrative obstacles connected therewith seem overwhelming. Nevertheless, a carefully thought-out investment with proper legal support has a very good chance of success. Therefore, an investment in renewable energy in definitely worth considering, as it may bring about both financial and PR gains.

We offer comprehensive legal assistance related to investments in renewable energy sources. We help obtain the necessary administrative permits, including environmental decisions. We advise during the construction stage and help solve practical problems that occur in the process. We also assist our clients in connecting the renewable energy installations to the distribution network, conducting their trial runs and in their future use and maintenance.

You can count on us

  • We have advised on transactions involving sales of photovoltaic farms and wind farms. Our assistance consisted in a comprehensive legal support for such transactions, including conducting due diligence checks of legal entities involved as well as of project documentation and real properties, drafting and negotiating transaction documentation, i.a. sale contracts and investment agreements.
  • We have provided day-to-day legal support in the preparation and negotiation of numerous contracts for the construction of photovoltaic and wind farms with contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, including in the model of general contracting.
  • We have successfully represented our clients in ongoing cases before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office i.a. in proceedings for granting licenses (promises of licenses) for the production of electricity from wind power plants and photovoltaic power plants.
  • Examples of projects implemented with our assistance: a wind farm with a capacity of 16 MW with the possibility of extension to 45 MW (Drzeńsko, woj. lubuskie), photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of up to 15 MW (Iłówiec and Stare Tarnowo, woj. wielkopolskie), photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of up to 10 MW (Wrocław – Oporów, woj. dolnośląskie; Stara Wieś, woj. podkarpackie).